Saturday, August 3

Sports and Fitness

Running is tough on the knees and bone structure but is still an excellent form of exercise. You can run locally around your neighborhood or around a track at a gym. Remember that running is different than jogging: it’s much faster and much harder to do!

1.Morning Walk,jogging is always good for Health.
                   Running ...Reduces Stress..!! Exercise is a great way to get a healthier, stronger body.


3.Playing Volleyball in Ground

6.Para sliding
8.Mountain climbing.
Exercise is a great way to get a healthier, stronger body. It can also be a great way to relax and make you happier. It is important to remember, though, that you should always alternate between different types of exercise to ensure that your whole body gets the attention it needs. If you want to get started exercising to improve your quality of life...!!

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