Tuesday, July 23

Sports Lover blog :-

Sports Lover blog  :-
You look at how many people in the world are sports fans, and you have to think that this is not something that can be overcome just by saying, “Well, but this is bad. We should stop doing it.” That is part of what interests me so much. The urge is so powerful that even when we know that this leads to a lot of bad consequences, still we stick around.

The Champions..!!

T-20 World Champions

I think that I am a passionate sports fan. I love my teams very much. I think that I am also a little bit of a lonely sports fan. I don’t necessarily follow sports as much to connect with a group or because I like to feel part of a group. For me, I know that I have this very important connection with my favorite sports teams, but I don’t quite feel like it is tribalism. I kind of wanted to understand that connection.


       .....................................Sports Lover blog ............................................